Pills Energy smoothie you can choose from many different types of fruit Banana gives your smoothie a smooth consistency and also contains various good nutrients So this is a great basis for your fruit smoothie Use a half or whole banana depending on how much other fruit you add If you use an entire banana choose one more portion of another suitable fruit such as Apple piece Strawberries g Apricots g Pineapple g Blueberries g Grapes g Cherries g Raspberries g Kiwi piece Mango g Melon g Nectarine piece Papaya g Pear piece Peach piece Do you use half a banana Then add one and a half portions of another fruit Step # Add healthy fats proteins or an extra fiber source To give your fruit smoothie extra nutritional value you can add extra fibers proteins and fats Protein rich good against hunger and good for your muscles Greek yoghurt Cottage cheese Hüttenkäse Fiber-rich good for Pills Energy bowels Spinach Roots Beetroot Healthy fats helps with weight loss Avocado Un...